February 2019 - #trending - Avenir Thinking

February 2019 – #trending

General, Inspiration, Thinking

6 years ago

More than ever before, there’s a trend toward starting our new year’s resolutions in February – theory being that we need a buffer after the hectic holiday season to prepare ourselves to commit. We’re all about this trend!

And speaking of trends, here are a few worthy of attention. Take a look and, if you have any questions about how this applies to you, please chat with us and ask away!

Web Design Trends Get Trendy in 2019
There’s a lot to look at and love when it comes to web design trends for 2019. Designers will continue to play with colors, shapes and gradients – see Spotify for its use of pastel color gradients and fluid shapes and Stripe for a masterful use of multiple overlaid gradients. Dark backgrounds are making a return, breaking the long-standing tradition of plenty of white space. Even typography is pushing limits, with warping, oversizing and bleeding off the page (but, in our opinion, at the expense of usability!).

Instagram Advertisers are Spending More 
Have you been increasing your IG ad budget recently? If so, you’re in good company. Advertisers already using the platform were responsible for 82% of IG’s year-over-year revenue increase. For every dollar spent by new advertisers, existing advertisers upped their spending $4. Instagram Stories are the big story here. Thanks to more efficient costs per action, brands are choosing Stories and other new features to reach customers and hit their ROI targets.

Put More Social in Your Social Media in 2019 
Facebook turns 15 this year. Instagram has spun off yet another social platform, IGTVTikTok has taken over the younger set, and is still ad-free (check it out while it lasts). Social media is no longer a novelty and social media users are more tech savvy and sophisticated than ever before.

So what does all this mean for social media marketing in 2019? Mostly it means brands need to behave more like people and less like brands. Get in the comments of your posts and interact with consumers one on one. Tell authentic stories that matter to your audience, not just your brand. Gain the trust of your audience. Engagement, authenticity, and intimacy are what matter most in social media now. Bottom line – remember to keep the social in social media.

Keep improving Search Engine Optimization 
Clients always ask what more they can do to improve their SEO. For starters, set some realistic goals, put a plan in place and get acquainted with the latest best practices. Even if you don’t know what the phrases Share of Voice, Competitive Ranking Benchmark and Rich Snippets mean, you can read up, and be prepared to have the conversation when the time comes.

Don’t Phone In Your Email Marketing
When was the last time you did a refresh on your email marketing strategy? In the age of social media, it’s tempting to phone in your email efforts. But here’s a stat that might surprise you: the ROI of email marketing is 122%, four times that of any other digital marketing effort. To take full advantage of email’s potential, try incorporating new elements. A fresh look, using colors and typeface to set the tone, can be just as important to your campaign’s success as the words in the email. Make use of automation and even AI technology to help optimize the campaign. Add interactive elements to the email to engage more recipients. Finally, make sure your email stands out among the almost 3 billion sent every day.

So that’s what we’ve been thinking about this month.
How do you feel about these trends? Are there any you can’t wait to try? Any you can’t believe anyone would ever like? Hit reply and give us your reactions. Or tip us off to a trend we may have overlooked.

By the next time you hear from us, hopefully March will be done coming in like a lion and be on its way out like a lamb.