Material You Design | Digital Marketing Strategy | Brand Development

Material You Design

Avenir Short

3 years ago

Material You is Google’s “radical new way to think about design” unveiled this past week at the Google I/O Conference.

When Google released its Material Design system in 2014, it revealed a unified approach to design to help unify its design language. Called Material Design, it reimagined all of Google’s apps with a new visual metaphor of digital paper and ink. Ugly pages were replaced by clear, clean cards. Supporting animations were simple and effective. 

Now, Material You asks the question “What if form did not just follow function, but also followed feeling?” It’s a hyper-personalized approach to designing custom appearances for apps and other interfaces that adapts to users. Material You explores a more humanistic approach to design. One that celebrates the tension between design sensibility and personal preference, and does not shy away from emotion.

Photo by Google

Check out the Material You announcement.