Notes on a Wild Year, Part One - Avenir Thinking

Notes on a Wild Year, Part One


4 years ago

When we started this year, our goals were fairly straightforward. And then the world went sideways. It was a chaotic time for everyone and we weren’t an exception. One day we were talking about  social media campaigns and the next we were creating COVID response statements. 

Shifting gears wasn’t easy, but we leaned on the foundation of who we are, and we found out we needed some unexpected characters traits:

  • Grit
  • Hope
  • Patience
  • Persistence
  • Innovation
  • Ingenuity
  • Sense of humor

We stayed positive and determined. We are a team of creatives, so we called on our ingenuity and our passion for  innovation to develop strategies to reach our business goals and strategies to meet the needs of our clients.

Persistence and patience helped as the days turned into weeks and months and then into the new normal. Maybe most importantly, we found ways to make each other laugh. Sometimes a #relatable meme or a selfie of one of us in our pjs AGAIN was exactly what we needed to lift our moods.

We learned that even under difficult circumstances, our business could not only survive but thrive. Knowing that, we look forward to 2021 with excitement rather than apprehension.