Notes on a Wild Year — Part Two - Avenir Thinking

Notes on a Wild Year — Part Two


4 years ago

Last time we talked about what character traits we found useful in 2020. Now let’s look at some new skills we added and some we became experts in really quickly: 

  • COVID rules and regulations
  • Remote work
  • Running a virtual event
  • Video editing
  • Keeping the foot on the accelerator when it felt like brakes would be better 

 We didn’t only need to know the COVID rules and regulations for our office, we had to be able to effectively communicate the guidelines for every business sector we service. At first, we wondered if our clients would even need us in March and April. We found out we still had a vital role to play. Amid the uncertainty and confusion of those first few weeks, we provided accurate information on if and how they could stay open. We took for granted the luxury of getting up and interrupting a co-worker’s flow to ask a question or get some feedback. Learning to work remotely seems like it should be easy, but millions of people this year gained mad respect for those work-from-home warriors. We will probably all be glad when we’re all in the office at the same time again, but for now we’re jumping on google meet video chats when we need a quick conversation. It may not be ideal, but it’s working. We plan and run several fundraising events throughout the year for our nonprofit clients. Often, those events bring in substantial amounts of money for the organizations. We quickly figured out that virtual events can be a successful alternative when gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited. Check back in next week for our blog post on how to plan a virtual event. Maybe the most important skill we developed or discovered was the ability to keep our foot on the gas and move forward even when our mind is telling us to hit the brakes. Again, all of this puts us in the position of looking forward to, rather than dreading, the challenges we will face in the new year.